Monday, February 20

Harbingers of Bing

I guess this backyard plum bloom can pose for the cherry blossom. How many really know the difference? Coming soon to a tree near you, the perennial bing cherry show is in the wings, ready to inspire poets and photo takers around the world. Oh, and let's not forget all the kitchen technicians who like to bake and design other fare from the famous Bing Cherry. The California Cherry Advisory Board offers a few recipes.

Question: is a blossom's beauty a thing of art to the buzzing bee? Can an insect enjoy the shape and color of one velvety petal, much less the composition of a tree full of them? Not with that puny brain and missing spiritual link. Thank God alone that we can just stand there and say, "Wow!" Evolution can never explain Beauty --- nor Beast, for that matter.

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