Liz's bridal shower started at 4:00 this afternoon, so I took Angel to the museum park so she could feed the ducks and take video. And did she ever get into shooting anything and everything. I'll try to coax her along in the photography department and see if she has an eye and passion for it. Both have to go together.
The photography forum I frequent always has a few newcomers who are still newbies in the photo world. Some of them look promising. Others rave about nothing more than a jumbled snapshot that lacks all the main ingredients that create a pleasing shot. They ask for a critique and may or may not get one, depending on the 'friendliness and tact' of the person who replies. I don't like to hurt people's feelings, so I've seldom answer these posts. Sorry. Guess I need to practice "telling the truth in love" more.

Angel loved feeding the ducks. A few slices of bread and two hotdog buns. She loved chasing the pigeons, so I had to tell her to stop. She ran out of bread and started teasing the ducks with the wrapper, trying to put it on their heads, I think. So I had to tell her to stop that shenannigan as well. It was time to leave. Getting dark, and I wanted some pizza.

A few "stand over by that tree" pictures punctuated the walk back to the car. Another memory made with a wonderful memory-making granddaughter. Thank you, Lord, for those precious gifts we neither deserve nor appreciate as we ought --- especially in giving your Son to live and die that we would know and love you eternally.