Thursday, August 10

Shutter Speed

The miracle of eyesight (God created it) is awesome and awe-ful. When a still camera "stares" at something for more than an instant with a long shutter speed, the view is extremely blurry, like this picture. Thankfully, our eyes are wired to a continuously clicking brain that always gives us a 'still life' video view of the world, unless we move our heads a little too quickly.

I have to take identification badge portraits at work tomorrow. We're one of the last facilities in our company to do this, I think. When you're small and out in the back woods of California, we're pretty much the last to do everything. There will be a lot of kicking and screaming, especially from the older guys who will have to take their hats off and girls who will forget to put make-up on. These will be extreme close-ups. No hiding the creases here. That bald head will just have to be in the picture. I can hear it now.

You know, you'll never look any younger than you do today, so enjoy that youthful look while you can.

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