Another All-60s Paso Robles High School Reunion takes its place in the history books. We sailed through a sea of silver-capped seniors and tried not to look at name tags while talking (very rude). Hundreds of stories brought smiles and tears as we shared past and present tenses with people we hadn't seen in years (and for many - decades). It is amazing that after all this time so little has really changed. Few of us really grew up. We're still the little, lovable fuzzballs we've always been!
Thanks especially to all of the committees, leaders and volunteers who still have enough spirit (and energy) to put into a huge event like this. We can all nitpick about things we didn't like - that's pretty easy. But when we don't expect perfection from ourselves and excuse every mistake we make, the nitpicking is just so much hypocritical hogwash. So cheer up, nitpickers, and agree this was the best reunion ever! And be sure to thank someone for the great job they did.
Looks like these float folks were enjoying their tricked out ride. Keeping it simple was this year's theme, and the Thursday night decorating team made short work of cutting out letters and 'framing' the trailer. Hey, when you get that many Indian chiefs together in one place, miracles happen! Remember, if you click on these thumbnails, a larger version comes up so you can see everyone up close.
I'll be posting a zillion pictures of the Old Timers BBQ Luncheon, float-making, and the parade later this week (hopefully). I took my camera to the reunion but decided to take it back to the car. Visiting with old friends was more important (and the reunion committee had hired a professional photographer anyway, so I didn't feel guilty). Check
my photo website at the end of the week.
So thanks to everyone for making this event a great success. May there be many more!