Wednesday, February 4


It was only a matter of time before the news broke: The Hubble Telescope has located
a planet in a distant galaxy (only 150 light years away, mind you!) that has elements in
the atmosphere that are necessary for life - carbon and oxygen. Interestingly, this
planet's name is Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the dead. That is because this orb
is only 4.3 million miles away from its sun, which it orbits every four days. So hot that
its atmosphere boils, there is no way life 'as we know it' can exist. This rummaging for
a twin earth will continue.

At the same time, the United States 'scientific community' is praising the success of
the Mars' team, Spirit and Opportunity. Finding water on the Red Planet will further
convince them and many others of the life that once inhabited this now forsaken rock.

I'm puzzled at the 'let's find life at any cost' motivator here. Is it the loneliness spawned
from seeing the vast reaches of space and feeling like the odd planet out? Is it a quest
for higher knowledge from a more intelligent race than ourselves? Or could it be a search
for a society that never experienced the cannibalism, war, horror and suffering that is this
world's norm --- proof that we can overcome all that is sinful and rise to heights of
holiness (holiness redefined, of course)?

Or is it just a plot to rape the universe of its oil? More likely, its God.

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