Friday, February 25

In the Beholder's Eye

All that stuff that ends up in the sink deserves a second look. You might miss a treasured abstract design or explosion of color. You might forever obliterate the gentle grace of an opened egg or the raucous mood of a piece of bell pepper. Forbid that you should plunge a most wonderfully flushed red tomato down the drain before gazing upon its lush beauty for one last time!

Hardened dullards, we, who trade those prize gems of the sink-art world for something to hang on the wall. Imagine! Loving a Dali more than a bruised and battered strawberry! What ever happened to compassion!?

Saturday, February 19

One Sloggy Blog

Sorry, Seattle, but rainfall total roles have been reversed this year as we slog our way through this wild and wacky winter. California is now the official winner of the Sloggiest Place on the West Coast Award. And we now know for sure that we're never going to move to Washington State in this lifetime.

I know I've written on this subject before. This will be the last time (I hope). Repitition is one of my pet-peeves, too. The great thing about all of this is --- this will be one GREAT spring bouquet for the whole state. So get out there and enjoy the beauty and wonder of the wildflowers, tameflowers --- any type of flower and plant, both in your yard and in the boonies. Be sure to read Psalm 104 first!


Everyone's still asleep around here, although Barb just got up and is making some noise. We'll soon hear the little voice of urchin Angel as she starts another week living with us. She must really go to bed late when she's with her daddy. It's 9:30 already. The Starbuck's coffee is made.

Little whispers and voice announce the arrival of the whirlwind. "Good morning, Papa." "I always wake up in the morning."

Tuesday, February 15

My Starbucks Valentine

It was the perfect date--- dinner, then a movie (at home). I thought I'd surprise my girl by driving close to the restaurant she had chosen earlier, but end up at a fancier one next door. With hardly a parking place left, I stuck my rained on head through the door to see the hoardes waiting in line. Then I asked a young couple outside how long they had to wait. "About 45 minutes. Maybe an hour." Okay . . .

Time for plan 'A' and go across the parking lot to Baja Fresh, where there were only two tables being used. Definitely not the romantic hotspot for the night. But we settled in and had a GREAT spread and watched a few more couples straggle in. Nothing to complain about, especially the price.

Then it was out the door and past the ice cream shop to Starbucks, where we got a table and enjoyed a hot drink and the yuppie ambiance. This store is right across the street from the junior college, so lots of kids visit, including young Dave S. whom we hadn't seen since a wedding last year. He's taking a Spanish class to help him at his new job working for the city. Says out of the blue that he's been taking B and W photos in his spare time, so I think I'll get together with him sometime and do some shooting.

I hardly know this kid. He's about 26 or so. We've known his parents and family for about 30 years, and as far as I know he was named after me. Our families have drifted apart, like when you move to another town and rarely visit. Sad. Old friends. True and trusted friends. Drifting along and not working at keeping in touch. Not willing to throw out the rope between canoes. I'll blame myself.

We watched The Notebook afterwards. Gave you a lot to think about and encouraged us to love each other no matter what. There will be twists, turns and tragedy, but in God's hands and with His help we'll weather the storms and find our love growing along the way.

Sunday, February 13

Half Time Worship

I missed last year's gutter-wallowing Super Bowl halftime celeb backfire. Thankfully. On that day of worship (Sunday for those of you who are wondering), Americans flock to their tubes to view the godlike faces and bodies of football players, cheerleaders and entertainers. Stadium worship at its best.

This year's atoning sacrifice was Sir Paul. Looking as meek and innocent as possible, dressed in appropriate red, and singing the appropriate Live and Let Die he wowed all but the Janet Jackson crowd. Definite shades of the cross here, even in this photo I took.

We heard a message on true worship this morning from Isaiah 6:1-8. In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

And one cried to another and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!'

And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke. So I said, 'Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.'

Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it and said, 'Behold, this has touched your lips; your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is purged.'

Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'

True worship begins with seeing the LORD Almighty in His glory. Just playing church is only playing, nothing more. Holy Father, grant that glimpse of your majesty that forever changes us.