The season has taken a toll on my writing/blogging time, for which I make neither apologies nor amends. I do feel a little guilty, though, and offer this snippet to mitigate the feelings.
Pictured are my two concurrent bosses. Steve Kurtella and Dan Plunkett are both Presidents of Operations, Northern California Region, for K/P Corporation. Actually, Steve is in training. Dan is leaving shortly. Steve headed the S.F. facility for 18 years, making it the most profitable of our 11 divisions. Sorry to see Dan go after his short tenure, but he has better plans --- to take some time off and think about what he wants to do! No job to go to. May go to South America and live with a missionary family for a few months. May consider a number of business options. Real faith.
I've been asked to shoot a wedding in January. Man, it's been a LONG time since I've been the main shooter at Morris Chapel on the UOP campus. But it will be a low key affair, so there's no stress. Ha! Widow and widower and a small reception.
Wind and rain have been the order for the past few days. There's something about this winter that has whipped me into submission with its icy stare.
December bites my heavy heels;
It snaps with teeth a-grinnin'.
It chases fast and hard behind
Me while I'm runnin'.
The door at last is latched and locked;
The monster's kept at bay.
A load of wood and cozy fire
Have chased the beast away.
Haven't put up the outdoor lights yet. Will pick up a tree this Friday with Liz and Barb playing chief art critics. Angel comes back from her dads later and can help decorate it. I'll retreat into the computer room.
May this season's wonder and blessing be yours to enjoy as you give thanks to God for his infinite blessing --- His Son, Jesus the Messiah, Savior, Lord and Creator.
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