George Harrison's quintessential offering has a universal sentiment, especially for those of us in the Valley who sometimes go weeks without seeing that giant, shadow-casting orb floating above our dampened pates.
But the Sun King soon cometh in blazing glory, his brightness melting the most frozen head and heart. And, like winter, soon to be cursed for extremes.
Tomorrow heralds the start of yet another round of 'cost cutting' at work, this time in Process Improvement clothes. We've done this periodically with less than stellar results for the company as a whole, although our little division claimed big successes in the areas we tackled. We lowered a 23% order entry error rate to 3% back in the early 90's. I never heard what the ROI was for the other facilities, but the whole program died in oblivion after a few years.
Since then, there have been numerous cost cutting efforts. The latest craze is something called Lean Six Sigma. I read the book about it while running the collator today! Short book. No new basics. We've done it all before. Choose something to improve, collect and measure data, see where the problem areas are, brainstorm solutions, implement and see if you're saving money one year down the road. We have to do something to turn the boat around, even if we drown doing it.
At least it stopped raining for a few days.
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