I'm sick of thinking about politics right now, so that's out. It's good to see what God is doing in the world or presidents, monarchs and dictators, but He doesn't need my comments.
The next door neighbor is tearing out most of his backyard grass and tree roots to make way for a concrete replacement, costing him $4000. I figured, at $3.50 per square foot that they're charging him, it would cost me about $21,000 to do mine. I won't be doing it anytime soon, that's for sure.
Our friend, Tom, has been diagnosed with a type of leukemia that's eating away his spine and bones in general. He's being treated right now. He and his wife, Linda, need your prayers for strength, wisdom and courage as they face this. Thanks. His daughter created a website for them that you can visit at: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tomsmith
Barbara is frying hamburger and talking to Aunt Judie on the phone. No comment necessary.
The weather has been BEAUTIFUL!
Life goes on. Thanks for listening.
Oh, that's Sleeping Jack in the picture.
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