Monday, June 16

Tomorrow will mark the second full week I've been off work. It seems more like six. I never though TV would be blessing, but when it hurts too much to sit at the computer or put a book on my stomach to read or walk outside, television has become the only element of distraction that works for any length of time. Unfortunately, the quality and content of most of it is mundane, inane or insane. News is good to a point. Movies are horrible 90% of the time. The History Channel, Travel Channel and the U.S. Open coverage have been the best. Old black and white DVD movies have been fun, too.

The tomatoes are finally kicking in --- and falling over. Haven't been able to stake them up beyond the low-level cages. Maybe this weekend I can pound in the grape posts and start stringing branches.

Our three agapanthus plants are ready to grace the backyard. These are the miniature type and very petite. Only about 2' high, but wonderful color.

Barbara has worked at K/P the past three days but won't be going in tomorrow. She's been wonderful throughout this ordeal and deserves more than I can give her in thanks. Sirloin and lobster will sound good to her (as soon as I can get out and about).

God is good and reminds me of His mercy with cards and phone calls still coming in. Thank you all.