Saturday, March 13

Mixing It Up In The Cul-de-Sac

Few places compare to our cul-de-sac nation.
One nation divisible by country of origin.
One nation indivisible by choice.
Today's birthday party next door blended both
Mexican and American traditions: party favors,
Bingo, three pinatas, carrot cake, inflated 'castle'
bouncer, south of the border dishes, American
sandwiches. Lots of Spanish spoken as relatives
arrived from Los Angeles and the Bay Area.

I'm the white guy, along with Andy and his red-
haired American Irish wife, Shannon. Foday came
over to enjoy our company. He's from a country in
West Africa. Great English accent. Tang and his wife
and boy came from across the street, where three
families live. Vietnamese. Miguel, a newcomer to
the neighborhood joined us from down on the
corner. The Filipino and Puerto Rican families
didn't come. Probably because they don't have any
young kids.

So English was the second language, but that's okay.
Enjoying each other was the first.

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