Monday, May 1

Earthy Day By All Accounts

In addition to the conservation theme, our local Earth Day's festivities included a panoply of cultures taking stage throughout the day. The most bizarre was the Belly Nation's tribe of colorful and non-exotic dancers. Indian music blared as a backdrop to these ladies' midriff-drops. I was too embarrassed to take a picture of the poor girl who needed liposuction. Apparently, she wasn't embarrassed enough to refrain from displaying her elasticity.

You could also see a solar cooking demonstration and get blinded if you looked directly at the pot of ? she was cooking. Let's see --- from now on, all hot meals will be provided during daylight hours between noon and 4:00. And plan on cold cereal during the winter three times a day.

The vendor list also included a vegetarian trailer. Most of the other food venues had long lines. But this one only had a few people in it, so it was my choice when I needed a Diet Pepsi. So does this mean that most environmentalists believe it's okay to further maim the planet by consuming beef, pork and chicken? Something doesn't calculate here.

The highlight of our short visit was getting to meet and talk with Pete McCloskey, former House of Representatives member and co-founder of Earth Day back in the early 70's. He's coming out of retirement (rancher/lawyer) to run against Richard Pombo of the 11th District. McCloskey is one of the Democrat's favorite Republicans. (Pete campaigned for Johns Kerry and Edwards). He answered our questions while sitting in his campaign motorhome. He was trying to get our friends (Democrats) to fill out an application for voter registration (with the "Undeclared" box checked so they could vote for him in the Primary). Pretty sneaky, Pete.

Pete's a nice guy, I guess, but after reviewing his website, I probably won't be giving him my endorsement in June. Pombo's got some problems, but voting for Kerry isn't one of them.


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