Papaver nudicaule is its formal, scientific name. Easy to grow and 'wow' your friends with, this multi-color specimen will bloom all summer if you cut its flowers every day. And how do I know that? From reading this info-packed webpage: Poppies International. Oriental poppies are featured also (those are the ones with 8" to 10" wide blooms!)
You will find beauty in the most humble and unexpected places. Your eye just needs a little help from a close-up lens.
"There is a thing called beauty, which prevails upon the hearts of men. Mighty men, not a few, have bowed before it and paid it homage; but if you want true beauty, look into the face of Jesus, for there you have the concentration of all loveliness. There is no beauty anywhere but in Christ. O sun, thou art not fair, when once compared with Him. O, fair world and grand creation of a glorious God, thou art but a dim and dusky blot compared with the splendors of His face. When we shall see Christ, we shall be compelled to say that we never knew what loveliness was before. When the clouds are swept away, when the curtains which hide Him from our view are drawn aside, we shall find that not anything we have seen or heard of, grand or graceful, in the wide universe, will bear a moment's comparison with Him, who was once seen as a root out of a dry ground, but shall presently fill heaven and earth with lustre and gladden all hearts with His glory." --- Charles Spurgeon, 19th century pastor.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.